Introducing Golden Age Fiction
Welcome to Golden Age Fiction. My name is Paul and in this podcast, I will be introducing you to, and narrating, stories from the golden age of pulp fiction magazines. This is generally considered to be from the last two decades of the 19th century to around the middle of the 20th century. Evolving from the earlier dime novels and boys' magazines, there were a plethora of these pulp fiction magazines, of varying quality, in a wide selection of genres, printed on cheap pulp paper, appearing on mostly US newsstands, during that period. Early notable examples of these magazines were The Argosy, Blue Book Magazine, and Adventure. Later came magazines such as Western Story Magazine, Detective Story Magazine, and Love Story Magazine, the three most popular genres. Later still came Weird Tales, Ghost Stories, and Astounding Stories of Super-Science - which is still with us today, although it is now called 'Analog Science Fiction and Fact.' Many famous writers, some household names, started their careers in these pulp fiction magazines, sometimes writing under pseudonyms to protect their reputations, as fiction writing, especially fantasy and science fiction, was not as well regarded as it is today; writers like Raymond Chandler, Edgar Rice Burroughs, and Isaac Asimov. While I will try to spread the stories evenly over genres, I have a personal preference for science fiction and fantasy, for which I make no apologies. I plan to release one episode a week with a story of between 30 minutes and 1 hour, but occasionally, I may release an episode with two or more 10- to 15-minute stories. There may also be the odd episode that is longer than an hour. If I release a story longer than an hour and a half; a novelette, novella, or full novel, it will be serialised into 1-hour installments over consecutive days. I'm not going to make you wait a week for that next chapter. However, as the saying goes, no plan survives contact with the enemy, this schedule may have to be adjusted as and when life rears its ugly head. Finally, if there is a particular story that you'd like me to narrate, or a genre you'd like me to include more of, please email me to let me know at [email protected]. Links Reaper: LibSyn: "Mesmerizing Galaxy" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
