Christa Mayfield and Faith Larson, LCSW
Full Cup Professionals is a podcast to help social service providers learn how to serve from overflow. Here we have honest, relatable conversations on the realities of social service and share actionable, practical tools to help you stay healthy, whole and effective in your area of service. We’re sharing ways you can navigate trauma, avoid and heal from burnout, resources to empower your work, ways to improve your health and show up for yourself while you show up for others. So come on in, have a seat. We’ll pour you a cup of something good. You’ve dedicated your life to serving those around you. Now, it’s time to show up for yourself. We’re in this together.
Total 16 episodes

8. Not your Average New Years Resolutions: a refreshing and HOPE-filled approach to our annual goal-setting fiasco

You know the drill. By the time December 29 rolls around, most of us are stuffed to the brim with Christmas cookies and a corresponding plate of self-loathing. We're ready to turn a corner with LOTS of ideas for how we can improve. But we all know the story. A few months (weeks? days?) go by and we're right back where we were. We're missing something. I'll give you a hint - IDENTITY. In this episode, we unpack a fresh approach to New Year's goals that aligns us with who we are and what we value! This approach takes the pressure OFF of the outcomes and center our focus on who we're being. The result? More confidence. Less self-loathing. And more actually meeting our goals! You won't want to miss this episode. We get REAL about our own failed goal-setting. There are a lot of laughs mingled with our painfully honest conversation. Then Faith deals out the New Year's practice she uses and shares with her clients and why it's SO MUCH BETTER than what we usually do every January. Grab your friends and listen in! This episode is sponsored by our podcast producer, Mike Jilek! If you need music written, audio engineering, sound production, and more, check out his gigs on Fiverr! This show wouldn't exist without him and his hard work. trauma trainings, Motivational Interview trainings, or therapy, contact Faith! 1:1 health coaching, stress-resilience consulting, and workshops, contact Christa!
1h 1m